Butterwort care varies by origin: temperate, warm temperate, and tropical/Mexican.

Temperate Species: P. primuliflora, planifolia
Tropical/Mexican Species: P. agnata, gigantea, moranensis, cyclosecta, laueana

Where to Grow

Temperate Species: Outdoors.
Tropical Species: Indoors.


Temperate Species: Partly sunny outdoors.
Tropical Species: Very bright artificial light indoors.


Use only distilled, rain, or reverse osmosis water. No tap water. Keep plants in a tray with 1 inch of water. For Mexican butterworts, keep soil slightly damp in winter when they shed carnivorous leaves for succulent ones.


Use a 50:50 mix of sphagnum peat moss and coarse silica sand or perlite. Ensure ingredients are free of fertilizers and minerals. Butterworts prefer airier mixtures; adding perlite or pumice helps.


Plastic pots are best. Avoid unglazed terra cotta pots to prevent water wicking and mineral leaching. Butterworts have short roots, so deep pots are unnecessary. They can be grown on lava rock or in shells.


They will likely catch enough insects but can be fed small insects like ants or fruit flies.


Do not use any fertilizer.


Usually not a concern.