Sundew care varies by their origin: temperate or tropical.

Temperate Species: D. rotundifolia, filiformis, intermedia, anglica
Tropical Species: D. capensis

Where to Grow

Temperate Species: Outdoors.
Tropical Species: Indoors.


Temperate Species: Full sun outdoors.
Tropical Species: Very bright indoor lights (avoid incandescent bulbs). Lack of dew indicates insufficient light.


Use only distilled, rain, or reverse osmosis water. No tap water. Keep the plant in a tray with 1 inch of water at all times.

Dormancy (Winter Care)

Temperate Species: Dormant from October to March, may look dead or form a hibernaculum. Dormancy triggered by shorter days and colder temperatures. In the mid-Atlantic, overwinter outdoors with heavy mulch or in a cold frame, or place in an unheated garage with light. Keep soil damp, not wet. Can survive frosts and brief freezes.
Tropical Species: No dormancy. Bring your plant inside if kept outside in the summertime.